Please note that Gabrielle is not a doctor or medical practitioner. The protocols + practices within this space are a mixture of her background as an herbalist, whole foods advocate, wise woman mentor, bodywork professional, doula, years of self-study, and her own personal journeys and beliefs. What is discussed in this community does not replace the advice or care of your primary care provider (doctor, midwife, therapist, counsellor, dietician, etc.) and it is always suggested to speak to your care provider before beginning any dietary change or adding in any supplementation, including herbs. Gabrielle does not take responsibility for those that do not follow these recommendations. Should she feel as though something is outside of her scope, she will recommend you to see a suitable practitioner. You are sovereign in this space to determine what is true and feels good for you.
Please note that Rob is also not a medical practitioner or doctor and that he too does not take responsibility for your health or wellbeing. Our site, services, and events are meant for educational purposes only and as all bodies are different we ask that you speak up for your needs when receiving from us. You are the one who knows best what you need. You are a co-creator in this space for your health.